How to Prevent and Manage Termite Damage in Your Home

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Do you know that termites cause damages worth two billion dollars every year? Termites are no less than a nightmare for homeowners. Wooden furniture, books, cardboard, and several other commonly found household items are the main targets of termites. They can create their territory anywhere and you might not even see it.

Professionals of home pest control services call termites “Silent Destroyers” as identifying them is not easy. Even if you identify them, preventing them from causing damage to your house is a tedious task. So to help you out, we have mentioned here some effective ways to prevent and manage termite damage in your home.

Keep wood away from the ground

Termites emerge from soil and wood is their favourite thing to destroy. So keeping both things in contact is like inviting them unintentionally. Keeping wood away from the ground is a primary step towards preventing them from entering your house. There should be at least six inches of gap between any wooden structure of your house and the ground level. Ensure that soil doesn’t accumulate near wooden frames, doors, and windows. This will prevent termites from getting access to your house through wood.

Reduce moisture and humidity

Termites like to grow in moist and humid places. Reducing moisture in your house can be an effective way to keep termites away. Leaking faucets, improper drainage, and unventilated damp areas increase moisture in houses. Fixing these problems significantly decreases moisture levels. Professional pest control services suggest the use of dehumidifiers to control high humidity levels, especially during the rainy season. Also, prevent unwanted accumulation of water near wooden structures.

Reduce access to their food sources

Termites feed on the cellulose in wood, paper, and other similar products. Keeping these items away from the access of termites will reduce their chances of survival. How can you do that? First, remove all dead trees and rotting wood around your house. Throw away unused wooden items that have accumulated moisture. Next, don’t store old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and other paper products for a long time in your house. Last but not least, store important books and documents on the upper levels of your home.

Use termite-resistant materials

Termites are not attracted to every type of material. Using termite-resistant materials during construction or renovation of your house can be a long-term solution for termite prevention. Use wooden structures and furniture made of pressure-treated wood that is infused with termite-resistant chemicals. This wood is an ideal choice for making doors, windows, frames, and outdoor furniture. You can use sealants and wood preservative chemicals on old wood items to make them termite-resistant. Commercial pest control services also recommend to use of non-wood alternatives such as metal, plastic, and fiber cement during the construction of houses.

Get help from termite control services

Your last and the best solution to get rid of termites is getting help from termite control professionals. If all other termite control measures fail at your house, it indicates that the termite infestation is widespread. It can only be prevented by the use of the right termiticides and other termite control techniques. Termite control professionals can deeply inspect your house, identify the level of infestation, and suggest the best possible solution for termite control. Getting professional termite control once in a while is highly recommended to safeguard your house.


Final Thoughts

Termites may look like just tiny insects, but the damage they cause is immense. Keeping them away from your house needs vigilance, maintenance, and accurate measures against them. By keeping wood and soil away, controlling moisture, using termite-resistant material, and limiting the use of wood products, you can prevent the attack of termites in your home. But if you are dealing with a large-scale termite infestation, it is better to let professionals from termite control services handle the case.


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