The mosquito brings disease and death, creating havoc among unsuspecting victims by spreading malaria, cerebral malaria, brain fever, filariasis and dengue. Anopheles mosquitoes spread malaria. The parasite destroys red blood corpuscles, causes high fever, rigor, weakness and possible death in cerebral malaria cases. Culex and Mansonioides mosquitoes spread filariasis. The parasite affects blood and skin tissues, causes fever, swelling and elephantiasis.
Brain Fever or Encephalitis is spread by Culex mosquitoes and affects brain tissue resulting in high fever, unconsciousness and possible death, particularlyin the case of children. The Dengue (Haemorrhagic Fever) virus spread by Aedes mosquitoes attacks blood vessels resulting in bleeding and severe pain all
over the body, high fever and possible death. The general feeling prevalent is not that the mosquito is harmless or not such a great risk but that nothing can control this universal problem. This attitude together with unhygienic conditions only compounds the problem.