Pests such as cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, silverfish, etc has always been around households and other human habitation. Some eat our food, some are destructive, and some cause great nuisance to our pets and us.
The German Cockroach (Blatella germanica) perhaps enjoys the status of No.1 Pest. Chemical spray methods have been widely employed over the years and this has led to development of resistance among pests such as cockroaches and mosquitoes.
The American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana), are the big ones who are often found in the gutters, sewage pipelines, bathrooms and carry disease causing organisms with them and contaminate our food.
Advantages of this gel baiting method includes: No odour, no inconvenience to customers and can be applied while customers staff is working, no shut downs, no emptying out of kitchens, pantries, drawers, cupboards, no vacating premises, no mess, no oily sprays so the office / home environment remains clear and clean.